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Traffic Jam

The Parent Driving Zone

This production contains over 2 hours of information to help parents with children of ALL ages.  Parents are the key to changing the nation's distracted driving habits. Parents need to know; any child’s driver education starts the moment a parent turns their child’s safety seat around to face front. The information contained in this DVD is unique and will help parents keep their children safer as they grow up, and in the future as they start to drive.  Would you like a FREE copy on DVD or USB drive? Request yours today!

Part 1 Chapters

Chapter 1

Introduction - 1:25

Safety advocate and championship-winning racing driver Andy Pilgrim shows you the advantages and limitations of a wide array of automotive safety features, helping you make a more qualified purchase decision.


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Chapter 1 - 1:58


Chapter 2 - 2:21

About Andy Pilgrim

Chapter 3 - 3:33

Why This DVD Can Help Parents Includes the PSA - Wake Up

Chapter 4 - 2:57

Proof of Change

Chapter 5 - 1:33

Introduction Recap

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