Educator Resources
Over the past 20 years, the Traffic Safety Education Foundation has worked closely with school districts, administrators and educators in 23 states to deliver award-winning knowledge and materials to teachers and students.

Focus: Middle School Mobility
TSEF is leading the way in middle school mobility training and it’s a curriculum available to ALL teachers at NO COST. The curriculum teaches students at a driving learning age to recognize and call out distracted driving when they see it. Adults in the driver seat should understand; when they are driving with multiple people in their vehicle, they have the person's life and driving education in their hands.
Fatalities and serious injuries involving young drivers are at a tragically alarming rates. There are over 6,000 traffic deaths and 500,000 serious injuries of 13 - 19-year-olds that occur every year on U.S. roads. Needless to say we need to teach our students about survival skills such as: eye scanning, situational awareness, distracted driver recognition and more. These survival skills will enable students to better protect themselves from the current epidemic of distracted drivers.
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Additional FREE printed material and educational video content are available in our Resource Library, but we're always open to suggestions! Let's work together.