About Us
“The Traffic Safety Education Foundation’s mission is to educate student drivers, parents with children of ALL ages, teachers, plus, corporations and their employees. Our educational materials are focused on combating the growing US distracted driving epidemic and other traffic safety issues associated with drivers making poor choices on America’s roads.”
Andy Pilgrim
Andy Pilgrim started speaking to high school students in the mid-1990s as a give-back project and continues to educate ALL drivers with emphasis on student drivers, parents with children of all ages, educators and corporate employees.
Sadly, the problem of drivers choosing to drive distracted continues to grow at an alarming rate.
It is no secret that driving collisions and crashes are the number one killer of teenagers (13–19 years old); there are thousands of teenagers killed and hundreds of thousands seriously injured every year on US roads.
The sad reality surrounding the huge increase in distracted driving behavior and resulting increase in US traffic deaths and injuries since 2014 is this; the chance any of us will die in an automotive crash in our life-time, is now 1 out of every 150 people. This is a completely avoidable and needlessly tragic statistic. The goal of the Traffic Safety Education Foundation is to help change these horrific statistics for the better.

Andy Pilgrim — Founder and President
Traffic Safety Education Foundation
Learn About Andy

Our Products and Resources
"The Traffic Safety Education Foundation continues to produce high-quality educational video content, print-on-demand resource guides, teaching lesson plans, a custom educational curriculum and public service announcement videos. Lectures and seminars are available for schools, corporations, places of worship, trade associations and civic groups.”
Andy Pilgrim
Custom developed middle school mobility curriculum available online to educators
Speaking engagements delivered in over 23 states to professional and civic organizations and schools
The Traffic Safety Education Foundation has and continues to develop custom programs for schools, civic groups and corporations seeking to make a positive impact in the battle against the distracted driving epidemic in their communities.