The Parent Driving Zone/Driving Zone 2
This DVD contains The Parent Driving Zone and the Driving Zone 2 video productions in their entirety. All chapters for both productions are easily accessed through the DVD menu.
The Driving Zone 2 is used predominantly by driver education teachers in classrooms all over the US as an addition to a mandated driver education curriculum. The mandated curriculums teach a new driver how to pass the test, The Driving Zone 2 teaches them the kind of traffic safety survival skills they’ll need after they pass the test.
The Parent Driving Zone DVD is designed specifically for parents with children of ALL ages. It contains a wealth of information for parents with newborns, middle school age children, children at the learning to drive stage and more. It clearly explains why parents need to drive distraction-free at all times, but especially when children are in the vehicle.
Parents, please understand; children start paying attention to & learn from your driving habits and behaviors, from the moment you turn their child safety seat around to face front.
Chapter Listing
Introduction - 1:58
About Andy Pilgrim - 2:22
Why Do We Need This DVD - 3:33
Proof of Change - 2:57
Introduction Recap - 1:33
Interesting Survey Results - 0:58
Definitions, Clarifications & Driving Distractions - 4:03
Credibility for Parents & Adult Drivers - 1:21
Important Statistical Data - 1:44
Parent & New Driver Reality Check - 1:37
The Insurance Company Reality Check - 0:34
Inattention Blindness - 1:38
Peripheral Vision - 0:28
Dangerous & Vulnerable - 1:56
Driving is Different - 0:25
Troubling Trend - 0:21
Credit to Non-Distracted Parents & Adults - 0:31
PSA – Truth - 1:15
How Long Are Children in a Vehicle? - 0:41
There Have Always Been Driving Distractions - 1:59​
“But it’s my job!” - 0:52
“I’m not a driver education teacher.” - 0:18
“Am I partly responsible?” - 0:37
“My child passed the driving test.” - 0:22
Illegal, DUI & Reckless Driving Issues - 0:28
“My child does great in school.” - 0:31
Driving Deserves RESPECT - 0:40
Impatience & Aggression - 0:51
Anti-Texting, Anti-Hand Held Phone Use Laws - 0:53
The Technology Problem - 1:32
Distracted Driving Culture - 0:35
Emotional Bonds with Technology - 1:02
Dangers of Smartphone/Device Use at Red Lights - 1:09
Analysis of a Collision - 3:33
PSA – Reality - 2:28
Collisions & Crashes Responsibility & Ownership - 7:21
Newborns to Children in Booster Seats - 6:46
For Parents of 8-14 Year Olds - 1:25
Mobility Curriculum for Elementary & Middle Schools - 3:58
Encourage Children to Speak About Distracted Driving - 0:41
Listen to the Children - 2:28
Starting the Learning to Drive Process - 1:43
Important Points BEFORE Parents Sign Off on Driving Permit - 0:21
Make Sure Your House is in Order - 1:42
Graduated Drivers License (GDL) Requirement Information - 0:14
The Driving Talk - Guardian Principles of Mobility - 1:07
​The Driving Talk - Fundamental Understandings of Driving - 0:36
The Driving Talk - Safe House and Alarm Word - 1:38
​Commentary Driving - 4:22
Anticipation - 2:19
Partial Recap & Summary - 1:24
Supervised Driving - 1:16
Concentration & Focus - 0:50
Complacent Adult Driving Issues - 2:11
Preparing for the Road - 1:50
What is a Glance? - 0:19
Vehicle Pedal Offset Variance - 0:48
Dual Controls - 0:09
Extra Mirrors & Reminders - 0:34
Pre Driving Safety Checks & 3-2-1 GO - 0:40
Before Starting Off - The Basics - 0:27
Mirror Adjustment - 2:25
Supervise Like You Mean It - 0:48
Automatic & Manual Transmission - 0:24
​Steering & Braking - 0:30
ABS Brakes - 0:28
Stability Control - 0:17
Traction Control - 0:22
​After the First 5 Hours of Supervised Driving - 0:49
After the First 20 Hours of Driving - 0:59
​Night Driving Info - 0:10
Merging - 0:25
Supervised Driving Info & Recap - 0:48
Vanishing Point - 0:17
Target Fixation - 0:28
Fake Right Situation - 0:51
Constant Speed Control - 0:21
Tailgating - 0:19
Adverse Weather & Night Driving - 0:41
Left Seat Commentary - 0:58
​Probationary Driving Periods & Laws - 0:55
Important Recap Information - 0:58
Peer Pressure - 1:01
Passengers - 0:41
Seat Belts - 0:11
Technology Issues - 2:28
Helpful Apps and Devices - 1:08
Always Give Children an Out - 1:22