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“Many corporate collisions and crashes are due to employees choosing to

drive distracted.”


Learn about our corporate safety efforts.

TSEF Provides a ‘toolkit’ for parents.
Find out what you should know!

The Traffic Safety Education Foundation (TSEF) Mission

Our mission is to educate, improve driving behaviors and raise awareness of the deadly epidemic of distracted driving. We provide training programs for corporations, parents, educators and civic groups. Featuring on-demand educational videos and seminars, teenagers, parents, educators, professionals and drivers of ALL ages can benefit from learning decision-making skills essential for safe driving.

“Driving Behavior Is Learned When

A Child's Safety Seat Faces Forward.”

Andy Pilgrim

Father and Son

Did you know?

“50% Of New U.S. Drivers Do Not Receive Formal Driver Education”

Andy Pilgrim

City Intersection

4.8 Million Total Traffic



in 2020

The Highest in
20 Years

Pedestrians from an Ariel View

1 out of

every 150 people

will die in

a car crash


View Our Safety
Education Video
Content Free ONLINE

Browse Hundreds of Chapters of Educational Content.

How did a winning race car driver become a traffic safety expert?

30+ year career of racing success achieved by driving smart and safe.

Together, We Can
Fight Against
Distracted Driving

It's no secret that driving collisions and crashes are the number one killer of teenagers in the U.S. There are over 6,000 traffic deaths and 500,000 serious injuries of 13-19-year-olds every year on U.S. roads.


“Thank you for caring and seeking to be involved to help teachers throughout America to better help their students.  I also admire how you have excelled in so many areas of your professional life.  I believe you have enriched Driver Training Safety Education professionals throughout America more than anyone else.”

President — ADTSEA

1 Motor Vehicle Deaths in 2020 Estimated to be Highest in 13 Years, Despite Dramatic Drops in Miles Driven,” News, National Safety Council, last modified March 4, 2021, Motor Vehicle Deaths in 2020 Estimated to be Highest in 13 Years,  Despite Dramatic Drops in Miles Driven - National Safety Council


2 U.S. Department of Transportation's Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) News, National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, last modified March 2020, FARS Encyclopedia

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